Restaurant and Bonsaj / Lobby bar Limba
Gastronomy at the resort

Each stay at our resort automatically includes half board - breakfast and dinner served buffet style in the restaurant part of the accommodation house Limba. However, in case you get unexpectedly hungry, there is a restaurant with café "Bonsaj" located near the outdoor playgrounds, which offers a selection of local specialties for children and adults, pizza and a wide range of drinks. In addition to refreshments, it is possible to buy commemorative souvenirs, T-shirts and, in the summer months, ice refreshment in the form of tasty popsicles.

Bonsaj Restaurant is open every day from 12.00 to 19.30, café from 9.00 to 21.00.

Coffee, tea or draft beer of craft beer Kaltenecker can be enjoyed in the lobby bar of the Limba house, where our staff will serve you every day until 22:00.